Welcome to Coastal Bath Company, the #1 bathroom remodeler for the Delmarva Peninsula. We offer 5-star bathroom remodeling to the East Shore of Maryland, Southern Delaware, and North Virginia. Our team brings friendly service, years of experience, and quality craftsmanship to every project.
At Coastal Bath Company, our installers are highly experienced in a wide selection of White Plains bathroom remodeling projects. Starting from a speedy new look with a replacement bathtub, all the way through a more involved bathroom remodeling vision, we back you up with years of experience.
Ready for your bathroom remodel? Here is a sample list of the White Plains bathroom remodeling projects that we can install:
Also, full-custom bathroom remodeling offerings! Just ask and we will provide you with a remodeling road map.
Call us at 302-569-8209 for high-quality White Plains bath remodeler services!
“We had a bathroom from 1996 now we have a bathroom suite”
Smart homeowners will want to look for multiple key factors when planning to pick a White Plains bathroom remodeler:
If you select a group of bathroom remodeling pros like our staff at Coastal Bath Company, you can rest assured that your home is in trustworthy hands and that you will get exactly the bathroom you envisioned!
You have plenty of options when it comes to White Plains new bathtubs and new showers. Our team of bath remodeling experts at Coastal Bath Company, has deep experience replacing, remodeling, and installing bathtubs across the White Plains area!
We can help you remodel your bathroom with any of the following options:
We deliver communication at every check-in point of our bathroom remodels.
Here is what to expect, every step of the way:
In White Plains, Maryland, a permit is necessary for bathroom remodeling. Contact Charles County Permits Office for assistance.
Contact: 200 Baltimore St, La Plata, MD 20646
Phone: +1-301-645-0692
Website: Charles County Permits
You can trust our local bathroom remodeling company to serve your project with a personalized touch that is an exact match for your ideas.
We are nearby here in White Plains and surrounding area, with many years of experience delivering seamless replacement bath projects in the area. It’d be our honest pleasure to talk through your bathroom remodeling project and help you make it happen!
Call us at 302-569-8209 for quality White Plains bath remodeling for your home!
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MD #157905
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MD #157905
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